Let me preface this story by saying:
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm just not the hardworking type. I mean, I get stuff done...sure. But when the going gets tough, I usually pass the job to someone else or give up. Not a good habit, and a habit I'm trying to break...but a habit nonetheless.
That being said, I feel that it will take a very dire situation or decision on my own part to change my ways, being that I am twenty years set into them. Apparently, my grandparents agree.
I came home Sunday night from an outing to find an packet of papers on my bed, face down. I turn it over and what do I find in big, bold letters? UNITED STATES NAVY.
This packet claims it's glad that I requested the information contained therein. Little does it know I had nothing to do with its arrival at my home. I flip it over, and over and yes...it is indeed addressed to me and yes indeed it is from the United States Navy.
In all the turning a little snippet of paper had fallen off of the envelope.
Confused, and slightly annoyed, I picked the paper up and opened it. It read:
Hate to say it, but you're lazy. We feel the Navy will be a step in the right direction.
Just think about it.
Grandma and Grandpa
Very funny. They take that one incident when I screamed at them "THAT'S IT! I'M RUNNING AWAY AND JOINING THE NAVY!" and use it against me a full ten years later. Typical.
I decide to humor them and read the damn thing...after all, I was already home which meant my fun was over for the night. I changed out of my skirt and into some sweatpants, and curled up with my new literature.
I'm not totally convinced. However, if I had to join the military, I'm sure I'd pick the Navy, despite their propensity towards being out to sea (which I am immensely terrified of) for extended periods of time.
But the uniforms are pretty sexy.
Hot damn, I think I might join up!
1 week ago
My Senior year I took a series of exams for the various armed forces to see where I fit in (of course, the main reason was to get out of a few classes that day). Turns out I tested really high in communications and the Navy started recruiting me...a lot. They called me weekly. They sent me a couple packets. After a Very persuading conversation with a recruiter, I told them to send the van for me so I could come sign up. One of the last questions I was asked was whether or not I had asthma. I do. Asthmatics can't be in the Navy...something about the sea air. Suck! My dreams were crushed. I was going to be awesome in the Navy! Both of my grandmother & grandfather were in the Navy and that was how they met. I was going to meet a hot sailor (or oficer) and later become a FBI agent. I was excited. It's been almost 13 years....apparently (by the length of my comment) I am still not over it. Well, I'm over the hot sailor part. Hot writer/actors are SO much better. :)
Well my dear if you want to than I suppport you 100%. And yes you'd look hot in the uniform. You never know it might be something very good for you. Be aware though that if you do enlist they have the right to call you back anytime they want for the rest of your life. Just letting you know.
the navy??? you wouldn't dare!
oh, why not? apparently i lack discipline and a sense of responsibility.
besides, they have internet access on those big ol' boats don't they? lol
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