What would life be like if we didn't have bodies? If we were just floating orbs of personality...
I think that I neglect my soul. I get so wrapped up in the physical. My image, my desires, my pains. The moment my muscles start to ache I run for pain medication. The moment I feel the twinge of lust I have it taken care of. But what do I do when my heart aches and I feel like if one more damn thing happens I'm going to lose it?
I don't tell anyone, I don't even allow myself to think about it. I throw it down, I shove it down, I swallow it down until it feels like it's gone. But it's not. It's not gone...it's there stacking up. Piling one on top of another and I'm almost full.
I don't know how to purge.
What can I say? What can I do to clear my soul of all these toxins that I've been keeping in? Everyone says to talk about it but I can't. It makes me so uncomfortable to think that maybe people know that I have feelings.
Kind of like when I was in school and I didn't want my teachers to know I was smart because they'd never cut me any slack if they knew. I don't want to have to always be emotional. I don't want people to see me as "that girl with problems".
I want to be an orb. An orb of personality with no body.
1 week ago
yeah i guess you are kinda cra zy. but crazy people come up with pretty damn good ideas. i want to be an orb. orbs are pretty. there is no such thing as an ugly orb, or a self-conscious orb, even though i'm sure some orbs would try to act like they were better than all the other orbs of that they were shinier, even though all the orbs are the same none seeming any more special than any others.
gosh, i lub ya.
good luck on you voyage to becomeing an orb.
I know this. I know this all to well it's scary. Wow. I guess you are right....we are sort of the same. We should talk more.
mmmm-Erato waxing metaphysical.
I don't think I've ever seen this side of you before, Miss Swift.
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I Like It A Lot. (-:
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