If you know me, you know I just don't seem like the mushy type. In fact, I'm NOT the mushy type. But there's just something about seeing everyone together, alive, and mostly healthy that makes me melt a little.
Don't get me wrong, they drive me a little insane...but I love my family. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about, and silently pray for, every single one of them. Not that I don't trust them to live their lives without somehow getting killed or maimed, but since my uncle died I've been alot more watchful, protective, paranoid even.
Like I said to my youngest cousin today before she took off on her quad:
"Be careful. Dying's bad, mmkay?"
She thought I was joking, and when she came back in one piece she said "I'm alive!".
She really has no idea how thankful I am for that.
That everyone is alive.
That I'm alive.
That there was pie...
Enough schmaltzy crap, let's move onto the smatterings of clarity.
I have realized that I allow my friends to pick on me too much, and saying "dude, not cool" does not suffice when they actually hit a nerve.
Sure, I should just be a good sport about it and let them pick, knowing that they'd be wrong about most things they say on the off chance that they're actually being malicious. Most of them, I know it's all in good fun, but a few of them I'm starting to wonder about.
Did I tell you the Mini Cooper story?!
I was talking to a friend about what kind of cars we wanted. She says..."blah blah blah Honda blah" and I said "I'd pick a Mini Cooper. They're cute"
She says:
"Yeah, I noticed that alot of big people drive Minis"
and no, she didn't mean tall when she said big.
All I could say was "Dude..."
she laughed. and laughed. and laughed.
and then she asked, quite insincerely "I'm sorry, did I offend you?"
No shit.
But seriously, I love it when my friends who aren't much smaller than me feel the need to call me big even though they know I've been having major mental rumblings about the state of my body. Oh, and thanks for making me cry. It always makes me feel like a mentally stable lumberjack Marine.
Hi sarcasm! You're my favorite.
The next time someone says something like that they are being told to fuck off.
...and now onto Christmas!
1 week ago
... I would have to agree that a very sincere "fuck off" is in order here. With 'friends' like that, who needs enemies?
Ah sara. You really need to tell her off sometime, love. In my opion, it seems she can say what she wants with you and she know you won't do anything about it. You should sock her in the arm ..really hard or bring her faults to the light. And trust me..there's alot of them.
Hope things have improved since that craziness. ::hugs:: when school's over let's go to strbucks or the denny's for coffee and pie. yummmm ppiiiee!!!!
I had friends like this a few years ago and in high school. My favorite thing about them is they're not my friends anymore. I second the "fuck off". Seriously.
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