If they mated:
So, I was talking to a friend of mine and they said something that I am still not sure how to interpret:
"If Lucille Ball and Paul Lynde had a child...it would be you, sweetheart"
Oddly enough, this friend was not the first to call me Lynde-ish. I'm a cackling, drunk gay man. That's so hot.
Poo shoes:
I was going through my closet looking for something cute to wear for opening night (I always dress up opening night, no matter what my involvement in a show is) and I found my tall boots. My deliciously naughty, high heeled, knee high boots. I almost squealed, having not seen them since last winter. Imagine my surprise when I lifted them out of their box and found poo. Cat poo. New cat poo. Now how the hell do you get cat poo out of suede?! Damn cat.
Needless to say, they are going into retirement.
Anyone know where I can get some not hella expensive boots?
Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks:
Two tech weeks in a row. Ay dios mio! I'm going to lose my mind. More importantly, I'm not going to be able to spend any time with the friends I have that are not in my shows. Sure, I'll get to see Shannon, Liz, Tim (It's a Wonderful Life) and Julie (Velveteen Rabbit) but everyone else, unfortunately, will probably get neglected. Ugh, and the CB...sometimes I think I'll never see him again. Busy folks, both of us are.
I hope by now that everyone understands this theatre thing.
Weight loss secret:
Rice Chex and fat free milk. Seriously it seems like that's all I've eaten the past two weeks and I swear I've lost like six pounds. Why didn't I figure this out sooner?
Yar...that's about it.
Ohhhh, and if any of my Bakersfield theatre friends read this...there is going to be a Hellcat meeting on Friday at Border's on Stockdale. We start talking business at two, and when that's done we'll be discussing the sketch comedy project, so if you've written a sketch bring it in, and if not then maybe we can start from scratch. Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier!
1 week ago
bummer about your boots!!
you could dye them both brown, maybe ...?
bad cat. bad, bad cat!
he's officially not my favorite cat anymore.
meh, there's always the other one.
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