It feels weird knowing that you're all you have.
I always used to think that there were people in my life that I could go to with things, that I could tell anything to...but the more I think about it the more I realize that even if they wanted to I'd never let them.
I'm afraid that if I tell you things you'll hold it against me.
I can't let you see through me, because then you'll know how ugly I am inside...
and you won't be able to see the good that's underneath.
I hate this.
1 week ago
my gramma always told me that you're the only one you have...
i just never thought i'd actually understand what she meant.
sometimes growing up isnt as much fun as you thought it was back in the good ol days
You know I feel the SAME way. I recently came to the conclusion that I have maybe three REALLY close friends. Everyone else in my life are just there to fill the void. Until that person returns from whatever they're doing and has time to hang out with me again.
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