you said you wanted to know what went on in my head...
i didn't mean to laugh so loud, it's just that i know you're too sane to actually want that information.
it's not one of those "if i told you i'd have to kill you" sort of things, more like "if i told you, you'd want to kill yourself".
please, not on my sofa...i just had it steamed.
oh goodness no...not against my wall. that's a faux finish! took me at least five minutes to finish which is longer than my attention span.
what were we talking about?
oh mind.
well honestly i think my seeds are rotten.
yes, seeds. the seeds of my mind.
plant the seeds and watch them grow.
seeds? or was it wings.
plant the seeds.
grow the wings.
wing seeds.
plant the seeds of thought and watch your dreams grow wings and fly.
but that's not what this is about kid.
this is about how i can't sleep.
this is about how the news isn't news and probably isn't even true. walter kronkite my ass...isn't he dead?
paris hilton is newsworthy i suppose, just for the simple fact that i've never seen a bigger skank in my life. that's guiness book material my friend!
did you know she has big feet?
she should use that talent.
no that's not already a registered domain, you pervert!
look, i'm not usually belligerent but you have to understand. this is my last chance at stardom kid. this's all i got.
i gave up the stage because i didn't belong on it.
hung up my paintbrush because i saw an elephant on pbs that could paint a better portrait than i could.
i wasn't made for the voice is too husky. like a man, but with boobies and other various girl parts.
oh woe is me, it's not easy being insane.
you'll learn.
i'll teach you.
now go eat some wing seeds and get out of my face.
1 week ago
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