Today I was in the living room watching TV, when my grandma came in hemming and hawing about something or other. Usually I don't ask but she was being so vocal about it that it was getting on my nerves.
"What exactly is your problem?" I inquired.
She put her hand on her hip and said "I'm so over this Alec Baldwin thing. What did he say that was so bad?"
And for the first time ever in my life, I agreed with her.
Maybe it's just the way I was raised, but the whole "tirade" seemed pretty tame to me. It's not like he threatened to beat the shit out of the kid, all he said was that she needed to be straightened out.
In my experience, this is true for alot of kids...I can only imagine how it would be for a kid going through the drama of having Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin as parents. Poor kid probably never has peace and quiet BUT that's not an excuse to act out.
When I was living with my mom, brother and stepdad in a one room apartment with hardly any food you bet your ass I wanted to lip off, lash out, and just generally tear everything and everyone to bits.
But did i? No.
Because I would have gotten my ass handed to me, that's why.
Sometimes I think that spanking and speaking harshly to your children isn't such a good thing, but you have to prepare them for what they are going to encounter in the real world.
Yes, that's where we live people. The real world. This isn't Candyland and there aren't unicorns prancing around my apartment as I type this.
Kids these days, have a sense of entitlement that is, in my opinion, disgusting. They expect things to be handed to them. They expect to be rewarded whether their behavior warrants a reward or not.
Maybe if more people took an old school approach to raising their kids, we wouldn't have so many foul mouthed, rude little punks running around making life miserable for everyone around them, including their parents.
There are things called discipline and respect. Better to learn it sooner than later.
Moral of the story:
You go boy! *three snaps in z formation
You show that daughter of yours what a good old fashioned Irish/Catholic upbringing is all about!
And before you say I do not advocate beating your kids. Spanking and beating are two different things. Don't even get me started on that!
1 week ago
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